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Shine Thou upon Us, Lord

  1. Shine thou upon us, Lord,
    true light of men, today,
    and through the written Word
    thy very self display,
    so that from hearts which burn
    with gazing on thy face
    thy little ones may learn
    the wonders of thy grace.
  2. Breathe thou upon us, Lord,
    thy Spirit’s living flame,
    so that with one accord
    our lips may tell thy name.
    Give thou the hearing ear,
    fix thou the wand’ring thought,
    that those we teach may hear
    the great things thou hast wrought.
  3. Speak thou for us, O Lord,
    in all we say of thee;
    according to thy Word
    let all our teaching be,
    so that thy lambs may know
    their own true Shepherd’s voice,
    where’er he leads them go,
    and in his love rejoice.
  4. Live thou within us, Lord;
    thy mind and will be ours;
    be thou belov’d, adored,
    and served with all our pow’rs,
    so that our lives may teach
    thy children what thou art,
    and plead, by more than speech,
    for thee with ev’ry heart.
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Scripture Reference
2 Timothy 4:2, Exodus 4:12
Composer Information
Lyon, Meyer (Jewish melody, arr. 1770)