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Day of Judgment! Day of Wonders!
- Day of judgment! Day of wonders!
Hark! the trumpet’s awful sound,
louder than a thousand thunders,
shakes the vast creation round.
How the summons
will the sinner’s heart confound! - See the Judge, our nature wearing,
clothed in majesty divine;
you who long for his appearing
then shall say, “This God is mine!”
Gracious Savior,
own me in that day as thine. - At his call the dead awaken,
rise to life from earth and sea;
all the pow’rs of nature, shaken
by his looks, prepare to flee.
Careless sinner,
what will then become of thee? - But to those who have confessed,
loved and served the Lord below,
he will say, “Come near, ye blessed,
see the kingdom I bestow;
you forever
shall my love and glory know.”
Stanza Copyright
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Scripture Reference
1 Corinthians 15:52, Revelation 20:11-13, 1 Thessalonians 4:14-17
Composer Information
Collection Name: Bristol Tune Book
- Author: Newton, John (223)