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From Heaven High I Come to You
- “From heaven high I come to you,
I bring you tidings good and new;
glad tidings of great joy I bring,
whereof I now will say and sing. - “To you this night is born a child
of Mary, chosen virgin mild;
this little child, of lowly birth,
shall be the joy of all the earth. - “This is the Christ, our God and Lord,
who in all need shall aid afford;
he will himself your Savior be
from all your sins to set you free. - “These are the tokens ye shall mark:
the swaddling clothes and manger dark;
there ye shall find the infant laid
by whom the heav’ns and earth were made.” - Now let us all with gladsome cheer
go with the shepherds and draw near
to see the precious gift of God,
who hath his own dear Son bestowed. - Welcome to earth, thou noble guest,
through whom the sinful world is blest!
In my distress thou com’st to me;
what thanks shall I return to thee?
Stanza Copyright
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Scripture Reference
Luke 2:10-14
Composer Information
Luther, Martin (1535)
- Author: Winkworth, Catherine (341)
- Author: Luther, Martin (183)