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Good Christian Men, Rejoice

  1. Good Christian men, rejoice
    with heart and soul and voice;
    give ye heed to what we say:
    Jesus Christ is born today;
    earth and heav’n before him bow,
    and he is in the manger now.
    Christ is born today!
    Christ is born today!
  2. Good Christian men, rejoice
    with heart and soul and voice;
    now ye hear of endless bliss:
    Jesus Christ was born for this!
    He hath opened heaven’s door,
    and man is blessed evermore.
    Christ was born for this!
    Christ was born for this!
  3. Good Christian men, rejoice
    with heart and soul and voice;
    now ye need not fear the grave:
    Jesus Christ was born to save!
    Calls you one and calls you all
    to gain his everlasting hall.
    Christ was born to save!
    Christ was born to save!
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Collection Name: German melody