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Great God, We Sing That Mighty Hand

  1. Great God, we sing that mighty hand
    by which supported still we stand;
    the opening year thy mercy shows;
    that mercy crowns it till it close.
  2. By day, by night, at home, abroad,
    still are we guarded by our God;
    by his incessant bounty fed,
    by his unerring counsel led.
  3. With grateful hearts the past we own;
    the future, all to us unknown,
    we to thy guardian care commit,
    and peaceful leave before thy feet.
  4. In scenes exalted or depressed,
    thou art our joy, and thou our rest;
    thy goodness all our hopes shall raise,
    adored through all our changing days.
  5. When death shall interrupt these songs,
    and seal in silence mortal tongues,
    our helper God, in whom we trust,
    shall keep our souls and guard our dust.
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Scripture Reference
Ezra 8:22, Acts 26:22, Psalm 37:23-25, Psalm 65:11, Psalm 145:15-16
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