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How Great the Bright Angelic Host
- How great the bright angelic host
who praise the Lord on high,
but greater still is Christ, God’s Son,
enthroned at his side.
How great is Christ, God’s radiance;
how great is Christ, God’s Son.
Our Prophet, King, and great High Priest,
the vict’ry he has won. - How great were men like Abraham,
who trusted in the Lord,
but greater still is Christ, the Way,
the living, holy Word.
How great is Christ, God’s radiance;
how great is Christ, God’s Son.
Our Prophet, King, and great High Priest,
the vict’ry he has won. - How great were Aaron and his line,
performing sacred rites,
but greater still is Christ, High Priest,
himself the sacrifice.
How great is Christ, God’s radiance;
how great is Christ, God’s Son.
Our Prophet, King, and great High Priest,
the vict’ry he has won. - How great the tent within their midst,
built up by human hands,
but greater still Christ’s heav’nly home,
forever it shall stand.
How great is Christ, God’s radiance;
how great is Christ, God’s Son.
Our Prophet, King, and great High Priest,
the vict’ry he has won. - Take care to fix your eyes on Christ,
the author of true faith.
Draw near to God; hold fast to hope;
give sacrificial praise.
How great is Christ, God’s radiance;
how great is Christ, God’s Son.
Our Prophet, King, and great High Priest,
the vict’ry he has won.
Stanza Copyright
© Nancy Tischler & Mary Bahnfleth, 2004
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Scripture Reference
Hebrews 1:3-4, Hebrews 12:1-2, Hebrews 11
Composer Information
Shafer, Lou Ann (2004)
- Author: Tischler, Nancy (308)
- Author: Bahnfleth, Mary (14)