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Jesus, My Great High Priest
- Jesus, my great High Priest,
offered his blood and died;
my guilty conscience seeks
no sacrifice beside.
His pow’rful blood did once atone,
and now it pleads before the throne. - To this dear Surety’s hand
will I commit my cause;
he answers and fulfills
his Father’s broken laws.
Behold my soul at freedom set,
my Surety paid the dreadful debt. - My Advocate appears
for my defense on high;
the Father bows his ears
and lays his thunder by.
Not all that hell or sin can say
shall turn his heart, his love, away. - Should all the hosts of death
and pow’rs of hell unknown
put their most dreadful forms
of rage and mischief on,
I shall be safe, for Christ displays
his conqu’ring pow’r and guardian grace.
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Scripture Reference
Hebrews 9:11-14, Hebrews 4:14-16
Composer Information
Goss, John (1853)
- Author: Watts, Isaac (328)