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Jesus, with Thy Church Abide

  1. Jesus, with thy church abide;
    be her Savior, Lord, and Guide,
    while on earth her faith is tried:
    we beseech thee, hear us.
  2. Keep her life and doctrine pure;
    grant her patience to endure,
    trusting in thy promise sure:
    we beseech thee, hear us.
  3. May she one in doctrine be,
    one in truth and charity,
    winning all to faith in thee:
    we beseech thee, hear us.
  4. May she guide the poor and blind,
    seek the lost until she find,
    and the brokenhearted bind:
    we beseech thee, hear us.
  5. Judge her not for work undone,
    judge her not for fields unwon,
    bless her work in thee begun:
    we beseech thee, hear us.
  6. Save her love from growing cold,
    make her watchmen strong and bold,
    fence her round, thy peaceful fold:
    we beseech thee, hear us.
  7. May her lamp of truth be bright,
    bid her bear aloft its light
    through the realms of heathen night:
    we beseech thee, hear us.
  8. Arm her soldiers with the cross,
    brave to suffer toil or loss,
    counting earthly gain but dross:
    we beseech thee, hear us.
  9. May she holy triumphs win,
    overthrow the hosts of sin,
    gather all the nations in:
    we beseech thee, hear us.
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Scripture Reference
1 Timothy 3:15, Acts 20:28, Ephesians 4:4-6
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