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Lord Jesus Christ, Our Lord Most Dear

  1. Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord most dear,
    as thou wast once an infant here,
    so give this child of thine, we pray,
    thy grace and blessing day by day.
    O holy Jesus, Lord divine,
    we pray thee guard this child of thine.
  2. As in thy heav’nly kingdom, Lord,
    all things obey thy sacred word,
    do thou thy mighty succor give,
    and shield this child by morn and eve.
    O holy Jesus, Lord divine,
    we pray thee guard this child of thine.
  3. Their watch let angels round him keep,
    where’er he be, awake, asleep;
    thy saving grace on him bestow,
    that he in thee may live and grow.
    O holy Jesus, Lord divine,
    we pray thee guard this child of thine.
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Scripture Reference
Galatians 3:29, Psalm 91:11
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