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More Than Conquerors

  1. All hail the mighty Conqueror,
    Christ Jesus, our great King!
    All hail the glorious Warrior,
    to whom our praise we bring.
    May he be given honors
    by all his ransomed host:
    we, too, are more than conquerors
    who make his name our boast.
  2. Yet how can we inherit
    this title “conqueror” too?
    We have not earned the merit
    or fame that is his due.
    For we have only failed him
    by ev’ry sin and doubt;
    indeed, we cruelly nailed him
    and cast the Conqueror out.
  3. But rising up victorious
    he conquered death and sin,
    and reigns in heaven glorious,
    each conflict set to win.
    To those of his own choosing
    he shares the victory;
    says, “Though you once were losing,
    come conquer now through me.
  4. “You cannot be defeated
    by trials in this life.
    The conquest is completed
    o’er Satan, sin, and strife.
    No pain, no tribulation,
    no danger, famine, sword,
    no—nothing in creation
    can conquer those in God.”
  5. Now since our God is for us,
    what have we then to fear?
    Though enemies deplore us,
    we face them all with cheer.
    For we will be triumphant:
    each foe will be trod down
    beneath the Christ exultant,
    who shares the Conqueror’s crown.
Stanza Copyright
© Jonathan Landry Cruse, 2017
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Scripture Reference
Romans 8:31-39
Composer Information