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Salvation unto Us Has Come

  1. Salvation unto us has come
    by God’s free grace and favor.
    Our works cannot avert our doom;
    the law can save us never.
    Faith looks to Jesus Christ alone,
    who for his people did atone;
    he is our one Redeemer.
  2. What God did in his law demand
    and none to him could render
    caused wrath and woe on ev’ry hand
    for man, the vile offender.
    Our flesh has not the pure desires
    God’s holy law of us requires,
    and lost is our condition.
  3. It was a false, misleading dream
    that God his law had given
    so sinners could themselves redeem
    and by their works gain heaven.
    The law is just a mirror bright
    to bring the inbred sin to light
    that lurks within our nature.
  4. From sin our flesh could not abstain;
    sin held its sway unceasing.
    The task was hopeless and in vain;
    our guilt was e’er increasing.
    None can remove sin’s poisoned dart
    or purify our guileful heart,
    so deep is our corruption.
  5. Yet as the law must be fulfilled
    or we must die despairing,
    Christ Jesus came; God’s wrath he stilled,
    our human nature sharing.
    The law he has for us obeyed
    and thus the Father’s vengeance stayed
    which over us had rulèd.
  6. All blessing, honor, thanks, and praise
    to Father, Son, and Spirit,
    the God who saved us by his grace—
    all glory to his merit!
    O triune God in heav’n above,
    who has revealed your saving love,
    your blessèd name be hallowed.
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Scripture Reference
Romans 3:21-31, Galatians 3:23-26, Ephesians 2:1-9, Romans 5:1-11
Composer Information

Collection Name: Etlich Cristlich Lider