Song Collection

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Sing, Choirs of New Jerusalem

  1. Sing, choirs of new Jerusalem,
    your sweetest notes employ,
    your sweetest notes employ
    the paschal victory to hymn
    in songs of holy joy,
    in songs of holy joy,
    in songs of holy joy!
  2. For Judah’s Lion burst his chains
    and crushed the serpent’s head,
    and crushed the serpent’s head;
    Christ cries aloud through death’s domains
    to wake th’imprisoned dead,
    to wake th’imprisoned dead,
    to wake th’imprisoned dead.
  3. Triumphant in his glory now—
    to him all pow’r is giv’n,
    to him all pow’r is giv’n;
    to him in one communion bow
    all saints in earth and heav’n,
    all saints in earth and heav’n,
    all saints in earth and heav’n.
  4. All glory to the Father be,
    all glory to the Son,
    all glory to the Son,
    all glory to the Spirit be
    while endless ages run,
    while endless ages run,
    while endless ages run.
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Scripture Reference
Revelation 5:5, Colossians 1:15-20, Genesis 3:15
Composer Information
Jarman, Thomas (ca. 1803)