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The People That in Darkness Sat
- The people that in darkness sat
a glorious light have seen;
the light has shined on them who long
in shades of death have been,
in shades of death have been. - To hail thee, Sun of Righteousness,
the gath’ring nations come;
they joy as when the reapers beat
their harvest treasures home,
their harvest treasures home. - For thou their burden dost remove
and break the tyrant’s rod,
as in the day when Midian fell
before the sword of God,
before the sword of God. - To us a Child of hope is born,
to us a Son is giv’n,
and on his shoulder ever rests
all pow’r in earth and heav’n,
all pow’r in earth and heav’n. - His name shall be the Prince of Peace,
the Everlasting Lord,
the Wonderful, the Counsellor,
the God by all adored,
the God by all adored. - His righteous government and pow’r
shall over all extend;
on judgment and on justice based,
his reign shall have no end,
his reign shall have no end. - Lord Jesus, reign in us, we pray,
and make us thine alone,
who with the Father ever art
and Holy Spirit, one;
and Holy Spirit, one.
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Scripture Reference
Isaiah 9:2-7
Composer Information
Herman, Nikolaus (1554)
- Author: Morison, John (209)