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Amid the Thronging Worshipers

  1. Amid the thronging worshipers
    Jehovah will I bless;
    before my brethren gathered there,
    his name will I confess.
    Come, praise him, ye that fear the Lord,
    ye children of his grace;
    with rev’rence sound his glories forth
    and bow before his face.
  2. The burden of the sorrowful
    the Lord will not despise;
    he has not turned from those who mourn,
    he hearkens to their cries.
    His goodness makes me join the throng
    where saints his praise proclaim;
    and there will I fulfill my vows
    ’mid those who fear his name.
  3. He feeds with good the humble soul
    and satisfies the meek,
    and they shall live and praise the Lord
    who for his mercy seek.
    The ends of all the earth take thought,
    the nations seek the Lord;
    they worship him, the King of kings,
    in earth and heav’n adored.
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 22:22–28
Composer Information