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Do Not Fret on Account of the Wicked
- Do not fret on account of the wicked,
do not envy the ones who do wrong;
for like grass they will very soon wither,
like green plants they will not flourish long.
Put your trust in the LORD and be upright;
then secure in the land you will live.
Take delight in the LORD above all things—
the desires of your heart he will give. - Let your way to the LORD be committed;
trust in him—he will do what is right.
He brings righteousness forth as the morning,
and his justice as bright noonday light.
So be silent and seek the LORD’s presence,
and be patient until he replies;
do not fret when you see those who prosper
if their schemes are promoted through lies. - Do not fret, it leads only to evil;
hold your temper and stay far from wrath,
for the wicked will certainly perish,
while the godly inherit the earth.
Yet awhile and the wicked will vanish;
though you search, they will never be found.
But the land will belong to the humble,
and their welfare and peace will abound. - Tho’ the wicked may strike at the righteous,
and their teeth they may gnash in their hate;
yet the Lord simply laughs at the wicked,
for he sees the approach of their fate.
Tho’ the wicked take aim at the righteous,
and attempt to bring down the oppressed,
yet their bow will be broken in pieces,
and their sword will but pierce their own breast. - Tho’ the righteous have little, it’s better
than the riches of many unjust;
for the wicked’s strong arm will be broken,
but the LORD is the righteous one’s trust.
Day by day cares the LORD for the blameless,
so their heritage stands ever sure.
When a famine comes, they will have plenty,
and in drought they will always endure. - But the wicked will certainly perish;
they will vanish, as smoke blows away.
And the foes of the LORD will be scattered,
like the flow’r of the field in a day.
The ungodly retain what they borrow,
but the just give with generous hand.
For those blest by the LORD will inherit,
while the cursed are cut off from the land. - If the LORD takes delight in a person,
he will render his steps firm and sure.
Though he stumble, he will not fall headlong,
for the LORD’s hand will keep him secure.
All my life I have not seen the righteous
left forsaken or begging for food.
They are always prepared to lend freely,
and their children will share what is good. - If you turn back from sin and act rightly,
you will ever continue secure;
for the LORD shows his love to the righteous;
those who trust him he’ll ever preserve.
The obedient will not be forsaken,
but the line of the wicked will fail.
To the righteous the land will be given,
and forever will they in it dwell. - From the mouth of the righteous comes wisdom;
words of justice proceed from their lips.
For the law of their God is within them
and ensures that their foot never slips.
The unjust lie in wait for the righteous;
to destroy them is always their thought.
But the LORD will not let them be mastered,
or condemned when to court they are brought. - On the LORD wait with great expectation;
in his ways you should always remain.
To inherit the land he will lift you;
you will see when the wicked are slain.
I have witnessed the wicked and ruthless
spreading forth like a tree in the ground.
But he soon passed away and was nothing;
though I searched, he was not to be found. - Watch the blameless, consider the upright;
there’s a future for those who make peace.
But destruction awaits the rebellious,
and their future will suddenly cease.
From the LORD comes the hope of the righteous,
and in trouble defense for the meek;
so the LORD saves them all from the wicked,
for in him their protection they seek.
Stanza Copyright
Text and tune © 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 37, Matthew 5:5
Composer Information
Pribble, Stephen (2012)
- Author: OPC/URCNA (2016) (230)