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How Good and Pleasant Is the Sight

  1. How good and pleasant is the sight
    when brethren make it their delight
    to dwell in blest accord;
    such love is like anointing oil
    that consecrates for holy toil
    the servants of the Lord.
  2. Such love in peace and joy distills
    as o’er the slopes of Hermon’s hills
    refreshing dew descends;
    the Lord commands his blessing there,
    and they that walk in love shall share
    in life that never ends.
  3. How good and pleasant is the sight
    when brethren make it their delight
    to dwell in blest accord;
    the Lord commands his blessing there,
    and they that walk in love shall share
    in life that never ends.
Stanza Copyright
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 133
Composer Information
Gabriel, Charles H. (1856–1932)