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LORD, Let My Cry before You Come

  1. LORD, let my cry before you come;
    give understanding through your word.
    And let my plea before you come;
    as you have spoken, save me, LORD.
  2. Praises will pour forth from my lips;
    you teach me all your statutes, LORD.
    Since your commandments all are right,
    joyful, my tongue will sing your word.
  3. LORD, let your hand be near to help;
    for your commandments are my choice.
    I long for your salvation, LORD,
    and in your precepts I rejoice.
  4. Let my soul live and boast in you;
    let your commandments help me, LORD.
    Seek me, your sheep who’s gone astray,
    for I, your servant, know your word.
Stanza Copyright
© 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 119:169–176
Composer Information