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Now Blessed Be the LORD

  1. Now blessed be the LORD,
    my rock of strength and might,
    who trains my hands for war,
    my fingers for the fight.
    My saving love and fort is he,
    my tow’r and shield to whom I flee,
    subduing peoples under me.
  2. O LORD, what then is man,
    that you consider him—
    the son of man, that you
    should still remember him?
    Man’s life is like a breath of wind;
    his days are quickly at an end,
    as passing shadows soon are spent.
  3. O LORD, divide your heav’ns,
    and come down from the skies!
    And touch the mountains high,
    that smoke from them might rise!
    Make lightning flash against your foe.
    Send out your arrows, let them go
    to rout and scatter them in woe.
  4. From heaven stretch your hand;
    reach down to rescue me,
    and save me from the floods,
    from strangers set me free,
    whose mouths are full of empty lies,
    whose right hand falsehood will devise,
    a hand which falsely testifies.
  5. I sing to you, O God,
    a new song I will raise;
    upon a ten-stringed harp,
    my song for you I play.
    You give to kings the victory;
    you set your servant David free
    from brutal swords of cruelty.
  6. From foreign hands, O LORD,
    I pray, deliver me.
    Reach down to rescue me,
    from strangers set me free,
    whose mouths are full of empty lies,
    whose right hand falsehood will devise,
    a hand which falsely testifies.
  7. O may our sons in youth
    be sturdy plants full grown,
    our daughters carved like pillars
    in the palace stone.
    O may our barns with grain be filled,
    and may our sheepfold thousands yield,
    yes, tens of thousands in our fields.
  8. O may our cows bear young
    with no disease or loss,
    and may our streets be free
    of mourning and distress.
    How blessed all the people are
    on whom such blessings are outpoured—
    how blest are they whose God is LORD!
Stanza Copyright
© 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 144
Composer Information