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O LORD, in Your Strength

  1. O LORD, in your strength how the king is exultant!
    How great is his joy in the triumphs you bring!
    To him you have granted his heart’s deepest longing;
    you answered the plea from the lips of the king.
  2. You welcomed him richly with blessings of goodness;
    a crown of fine gold you have placed on his head.
    He asked you for life, and you gave to him freely—
    abundance of days, that his years should not end.
  3. Through triumphs you gave, his renown is exalted,
    and you have bestowed on him splendor and grace.
    You granted him blessing supreme and eternal;
    you filled him with joy by the light of your face.
    For the king puts his trust in the LORD high above;
    unshaken he stands through the LORD’s steadfast love.
  4. Your hand will expose and find all your opponents;
    your right hand will find all the foes in your path.
    You set them ablaze with your glorious appearance;
    you swallow them up in the fire of your wrath.
  5. From earth you will utterly wipe out their offspring.
    The evil they plot will not ever prevail.
    You aim at their faces with bow and with arrow;
    you put them to flight for their courage will fail.
    Be exalted, O LORD, in the strength of your arm;
    we praise your great might to the sound of a psalm.
Stanza Copyright
© 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
Scripture Reference
Psalm 21
Composer Information
Scott, Isobel (b. 1942)

Copyright: © Free Church of Scotland Psalmody Committee, 2003