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Praise Waits for Thee in Zion

  1. Praise waits for thee in Zion;
    all men shall worship there
    and pay their vows before thee,
    O God who hearest prayer.
    Our sins rise up against us,
    prevailing day by day,
    but thou wilt show us mercy
    and take our guilt away.
  2. How blest the man thou callest
    and bringest near to thee,
    that in thy courts forever
    his dwelling place may be;
    He shall within thy temple
    be satisfied with grace
    and filled with all the goodness
    of thy most holy place.
  3. O God of our salvation,
    since thou dost love the right,
    thou wilt an answer send us
    in wondrous deeds of might.
    In all earth’s habitations,
    on all the boundless sea,
    man finds no sure reliance,
    no peace, apart from thee.
  4. Thy might sets fast the mountains;
    strength girds thee evermore
    to calm the raging peoples
    and still the ocean’s roar.
    Thy majesty and greatness
    are through all lands confessed,
    and joy on earth thou sendest
    afar, from east to west.
  5. To bless the earth thou sendest
    from thine abundant store
    the waters of the springtime,
    enriching it once more.
    The seed by thee provided
    is sown o’er hill and plain,
    and thou with gentle showers
    dost bless the springing grain.
  6. The year with good thou crownest,
    the earth thy mercy fills,
    the wilderness is fruitful,
    and joyful are the hills;
    with corn the vales are covered,
    the flocks in pastures graze;
    all nature joins in singing
    a joyful song of praise.
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 65
Composer Information