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Preserve Me, O My God

  1. Preserve me, O my God;
    you are my refuge true.
    I say, “You are my Lord. I have
    no good apart from you.”
    The saints throughout the earth—
    in them is my delight,
    for excellent are they who live
    as holy in your sight.
  2. Those seeking other gods
    shall multiply their pain;
    their gifts of blood I offer not;
    their gods I will not name.
    O LORD, you are to me
    my cup and portion sure;
    the lot that you assign to me
    you guard and keep secure.
  3. The lot that fell to me
    is beautiful and fair;
    the heritage in which I dwell
    is good beyond compare.
    I praise the LORD above,
    whose counsel guides aright.
    My heart instructs me in his love
    in seasons of the night.
  4. I keep before me still
    the LORD whom I have proved;
    at my right hand he guards from ill,
    and I shall not be moved.
    My heart is therefore glad;
    my tongue with joy will sing.
    My body, too, will rest secure
    in hope unwavering.
  5. For you will not forsake
    my soul unto the grave,
    nor will you leave your Holy One
    to see the tomb’s decay.
    Life’s pathway you make known,
    full joy of boundless store
    is found with you; at your right hand
    are pleasures evermore.
Stanza Copyright
© 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 16, Acts 2:25-28, Acts 13:35
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