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Sing Aloud to God Our Strength

  1. Sing aloud to God our strength; O
    shout for joy to Jacob’s God.
    Raise a song and sound the timbrel,
    harp, and lyre, to bring him laud.
    At the new moon, sound the trumpet,
    at the full moon play as well,
    at the feast by God appointed
    and decreed for Israel.
  2. God ordained this law for Joseph
    when he went through Egypt’s land;
    there we listened to a language
    that we did not understand.
    He said, “I removed your burdens,
    and your aching hands set free.
    I delivered you from trouble
    when you sought me for relief.
  3. “In the secret place of thunder
    I gave heed to your request;
    at the flowing streams of Meribah,
    there I put you to the test.
    Hear, my people, let me warn you,
    if you would but listen now!
    No strange god shall be among you;
    to a false god do not bow.
  4. “I am God the LORD who brought you
    up from Egypt’s land of grief.
    Open wide your mouth, and surely
    I will fill your ev’ry need.
    But my people would not listen,
    would not do what I required.
    So I gave them up to follow
    what their stubborn hearts desired.
  5. “If my people would but heed me,
    Isr’el follow in my ways,
    I would soon subdue their haters,
    turn my hand against their foes.
    Those who hate the LORD would cower,
    and their doom would never end.
    But with finest wheat I’d feed you,
    honey from the rock I’d send.”
Stanza Copyright
© 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
Play Tune
Scripture Reference
Psalm 81
Composer Information