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Teach Me, O LORD, Your Way of Truth
- Teach me, O LORD, your way of truth,
and from it I will not depart;
that I may steadfastly obey,
give me an understanding heart. - In your commandments make me walk,
for in your law my joy shall be;
give me a heart that loves your will,
from discontent and envy free. - Turn now my eyes from vanity,
and cause me in your ways to tread;
O let your servant prove your word
and thus to godly fear be led. - LORD, turn away reproach and fear;
your righteous judgments I confess;
to know your precepts I desire;
revive me in your righteousness.
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 119:33–40
Composer Information
Holbrook, Joseph P. (ca. 1874)
- Author: Psalter, 1912 (246)