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When in His Might the Lord Arose

  1. When in his might the Lord
    arose to set us free,
    and Zion was restored
    from her captivity,
    in transports then of joy and mirth
    we praised the Lord of all the earth.
  2. The nations saw with fear
    the might of God displayed,
    when he at last drew near
    to give his people aid;
    great things for us the Lord has wrought,
    and gladness to our hearts has brought.
  3. Again refresh us, Lord,
    with your reviving love,
    and be your blessing poured
    in mercy from above;
    by grace revive our hearts again,
    as streams refreshed by copious rain.
  4. Although with bitter tears
    the sower bears his seed,
    when harvest time appears
    he shall be glad indeed;
    for they that in the sowing weep
    shall yet in joy and gladness reap.
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 126
Composer Information
Goss, John (1800–1880)